Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy

This is the privacy policy of JCWWC.

We at JCWWC are committed to safeguarding the privacy of visitors to our website (“the Site”). Please read the following policy to understand how we use your personal data.

Whenever you give us personal data, you are consenting to its collection and use in accordance with our privacy policy. We will not share your personal information for marketing or any other purposes without your consent unless required by law.

What personal data does JCWWC collect?

In general, you can visit JCWWC on the Internet without telling us who you are or giving any personal information about yourself. However, when you register to buy our products or use our services, or when you enter a competition, you may be required to provide personal data such as your name, company position, address, telephone number, mobile number, fax number, email address, credit card details and age. If you forward information to us electronically or as a hard copy, we will collect that information and use it for the purposes for which you have provided it. We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent.

Every time you connect to the Site, we store a log of your visit that shows the unique number your machine uses when it is connected to the Internet – its IP address. This tells us what your machine has looked at, whether the page request was successful or not and which browser your machine used to view the pages. The use of this data is primarily for statistical purposes. This helps us to understand which areas of the Site are of particular interest and also which pages are not being requested. It also tells how many people are visiting the Site in total. We may attempt to contact you through these details if necessary, including, without limitation, when you are using the wrong paths to access the Site or are breaching restrictions on the use of the Site. We may also use this information to block IP addresses where there is a breach of the Terms and Conditions for use of the Site.


A cookie is a piece of text that gets entered into the memory of your browser by a website, allowing the website to store information on a user’s machine and later retrieve it. Some JCWWC pages use cookies so that we can better serve you when you return to the Site. Cookies also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the onsite experience. Cookies are in no way linked to any personally identifiable information. If a user rejects the cookie, they may still use the Site, although some areas may be functionally limited.

Most internet browsers allow the use of cookies to be enabled or disabled. For specific instructions to enable or disable cookies on your computer, please refer to the documentation for your browser software.

How does JCWWC use my personal data?

We use your personal data to provide goods and services to you and to let you know about other goods and services in which you may be interested. Personal information may also be collected for the purposes of improving our website content, providing goods and services, marketing, as part of our customer satisfaction surveys or for market research or other ancillary purposes.

If you are making a job application or inquiry, you may provide us with a copy of your CV or other relevant information. We may use this information throughout JCWWC for the purpose of considering your application or inquiry. Except when you explicitly request otherwise, we may keep this information on file for future reference.

We may also use your personal data to carry out research that will enable us to better understand our users’ demographics, interests and behaviour. This research is compiled and analysed on an aggregated basis, without identifying any user individually.

Partners of JCWWC may visit a specially allocated website. We may use information provided on that site to administer and develop our business relationship including the sharing of certain information (where permitted to do so) with associate companies other business partners, customers or prospects.

With whom might we share your personal data?

We may pass your personal data to our associated companies or to our authorised resellers, partners and resellers, some of whom may be located outside the European Economic Area, to provide you with the goods and services that you requested.

We may also provide your personal data to companies outside our group, associated companies, our partners or authorised resellers; that may or may not be located outside the European Economic Area in order to provide you with information about other products or services.

Except as set out above, we will not disclose your personal information except where we are obliged to do so or allowed to do so by law, or where we need to do so in order to run our business (for instance where we outsource services or other people process data for us). If you do not wish us to pass your information to any other companies, please let us know by sending an email to us at


The Site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site, and to read the privacy policy of other sites that collect personal data. This privacy policy applies to personal data collected by JCWWC and our associated companies. JCWWC is not responsible for the content on any other site outside the Site and the sites of our associated companies (“Associated Sites”).


We endeavour to hold all personal information securely in accordance with our internal security procedures and English law.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or any other network can be guaranteed as 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure and do not warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and this information is transmitted at your own risk.

If you want to request any information about your personal data or believe that we are holding incorrect personal data on you, please contact:

Notification of changes

We reserve the right to amend or vary this policy at any time and the revised policy will apply from the date posted on the Site. You accept that by doing this, JCWWC has provided you with sufficient notice of the amendment or variation.